You wouldn’t set off on a road trip without a map. So why start the next stage of your life’s journey without the homebuyer’s equivalent?

Let’s talk floorplans.

It’s no secret that floorplans have long been one of the key ‘must-have’ aspects for those searching for a new home.

A Rightmove study even concluded that more than a third of buyers would be turned off making further enquiries into a property if a floorplan was not available.

Turns out, photos are fabulous, descriptions are desirable…but floorplans are favoured: fact.

Speaking of facts, it is the accurate picture painted by a good floorplan that really sells. Let’s break it down a little further to understand just how it is floorplans can help sell your home.


1. Get the measure of the property

First and foremost, when it comes to floorplans, potential buyers are looking for room dimensions.

Don’t make the mistake of including the measurements in the description, where they can so easily be overlooked or skimmed over.

Included on the floorplan itself, the measurements make sense and can be seen in clear context.

Whereas photographs often show the current owner’s possessions and fixtures, a floorplan presents the property as a blank canvas, allowing potential buyers to ‘mentally move’ their own furniture in.

After all, who doesn’t want to ‘size up’ their new home?


2. Visual flow

With around 65% of the population reputed to be visual learners, it’s no surprise that floorplans are one of the most sought-after elements of a ‘property pack’.

One home seeker we spoke to commented that they liked to use the floor plan to piece together missing elements from the photography.

He stated: “Not all rooms get photographed. Having a floorplan allows me to build a clearer picture in my head and take a virtual tour around the home.”


3. A rose by any other name

Such a simple addition to a floorplan, yet so easily forgotten! A compass rose (also known as a wind rose) is a must for any self-respecting floorplan.

A compass rose is used for orientation, displaying the cardinal directions (north, south, east and west) and their alignment in reference to the home.

Quite simply put, this is essential for buyers eager for a south-facing garden for that summer evening gin and tonic on the patio.


4. Overall square footage

Floorplans are factual. For the nothing-but-the-facts viewer, they want to know one thing: what’s the overall square footage?

Displaying the overall square footage of your property makes it easy for home buyers to compare homes and discern how suitable your home will be.

Modern homes are clever. A four-bedroom home of the ‘now’ can often occupy the same footprint as a three-bedroom home from the ‘back then’. Having the overall square footage to hand is a great device for showing off the potential of your home.


5. Master of illusion

One thing we can all agree on is that size matters.

Floorplans can make homes seem larger. On paper, even the messiest most clutter-filled of homes can present a tidy, spacious appearance.

That dingy box room, piled high with memorabilia, its window so darkened by piles of washing and old board games, that the photographer cringed away from it like a reverse-vampire? Its slate is wiped clean by the empty square of potential on the floorplan.

Whilst in most cases, floorplans help to support the photographer’s imagery and add an extra dimension of reality, floorplans can also help to correct any flaws in photography.

In awkwardly-shaped rooms where photographers may struggle to fully capture the available space, a visual representation with measurements could help save the day.


6. Colour coded for clarity

After a successful viewing, potential buyers can often leave your home buoyant and elated, giddily discussing how they will make their mark on their ‘new home’.

However, as time passes, memories fade. Doubt can set in and the bubble can deflate.

With a floorplan in front of them, your viewer can keep their plans firmly in their mind’s eye. A handy reminder of how they always wanted a ‘reading room’, or how the potential to create a master suite would be so simple with the removal of one stud wall.

To create an unforgettable floorplan, use colour coding to help buyers understand the balance of spaces. For practical rooms, like the bathroom, kitchen, utility and cloakroom, consider rendering with tiling. Use warm or soothing colours for bedrooms and earthy tones for living areas.


7. The full professional package

In a world of VIP lounges and boutique agencies, a floorplan is an essential in order to offer the full package.

The absence of a floorplan can seem like a cut corner and can leave home-hunters frustrated and feeling left in the dark.

Providing as much information as possible presents both the seller and agent acting on their behalf in a professional light.


8. Bonus rooms

For the most magnificent homes, going on the market for the highest prices, floorplans are an absolute must.

Such grand and extensive homes have a niche market and it is vital that they justify their top price tag at a glance.

Homes commanding premier prices often come replete with extensive outbuildings, manège, annexes and cellars.

Kennels and stables, functional as they are, may not be the most photogenic of places, but a floor plan documenting their existence can add kudos and win viewers.


9. Time saver

Lastly, but crucially, a floorplan is a timesaver – for both viewers and sellers.

Being open and upfront about exactly what your home comprises can save both sets of individuals time, money and potential heartache in the long run.

If a home hunter can see that your property isn’t going to work for them from the outset, it’s better to know now than suffer the wasted hours of a fruitless viewing.

Instead, save your time, energy and excitement for that perfect viewer for whom your home is destined to be ‘just right’.


If you’d like to learn more about how we create our unique floorplans and how we can help you maximise your home’s potential, we’d love to hear from you and help get you moving. Call us for a chat on 01977 802477, drop by and see us at our office or send us an email at [email protected].